Publication Workshop
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Workshop Name: Publish to achieve many citations
Your publication gives you the scientific visibility and the recognition in your area of research. Writing your work helps you to remember, understand and gain a different perspective. Publishing your work will gain you the personal satisfaction of sharing your work with others, contributing the community you belonged. It helps to exchange ideas which leads to develop valuable collaborations with researches from around the world.
However, not only that, writing a publishable paper will add value to your CV, thus developing your academic career. Hence you will be able to build your academic reputation putting out your name in the academic filed you are related to.
Whether you are a student or an experienced scholar in the academic field, it is always important to get to know the followings.
• Planning a publishable paper
• The different sectors of the paper that are needed
• How to write an effective title and abstracts
• Reporting standards
• Choosing a journal that seems a good fit for your paper
International Conference on Public Health and Well-being 2023 will conduct one hour publication workshop to educate on things to focus when writing a publishable paper to achieve many citations. Publication workshop will be held on 07 th of November 2023 at 10.40 am to 11.40 am.
If you need to join with the publication workshop please contact Public Health 2023 organizing committee to reserve your seat.
Helen I. F. Marieskind,
Dr. P.H., Principal, HIFM Writing & Editing
Auckland, New Zealand
Helen Marieskind, Dr. P.H., is trained in public health services delivery, maternal and child health, medical anthropology and in professional editing. She has managed multi-statewide government and private sector health programmes in the United States, worked in the private, multinational, corporate and non-profit sectors and in the US political arena. She is the founding editor of Women & Health, author of Women in the Health System: Patients, Providers and Programs and An Evaluation of Cesarean Section in the USA. Currently, Dr. Marieskind is serving as an English Language Trainer and Editor to the Ministry of Education in The Republic of Kiribati through New Zealand’s Volunteer Service Abroad. She continues as the Principal of HIFM Writing & Editing, which serves international clients from academic, government, private, corporate and non-profit sectors. She lives in both Auckland, New Zealand and near Seattle, USA.