Authors must submit unique, unpublished full papers, adhering to iConference's template, showcasing important research, written in concise and clear English.
Please go through the above conference deadlines carefully. If you are interested in joining the International Conference on Nursing, please make sure to pay special attention to the Abstract Submission Deadline and Registration Deadline. Click here to register now.
Abstract Submission Deadline
Start writing your abstract now, so you will not miss the submission deadline of 20th February 2025. Please click here to find the abstract submission guidelines for your research abstract, best practice, or innovation project.
Early Bird Registration Deadline
Try to register on or before the registration deadline of 29th January 2025, to enjoy the early bird discount on your registration fee. Bookmark this page to stay in touch with our conference deadlines.
If you need any further clarifications on the deadlines of the International Conference on Nursing, please do not hesitate to contact the Nursing 2025 conference secretariat via